Thoughts and prayers for reflection

Safe Ministry

As part of the Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney, the Parish of St Alban’s with St Aidan’s Epping NSW is committed to the physical, emotional and spiritual welfare and safety of all people, particularly within its own community. To ensure the safety of children and vulnerable people in our communities, the Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney, in conjunction with the Anglican Church of Australia, will:
Carefully recruit and train its clergy and church workers;
Adopt and encourage safe ministry practices by its clergy and church workers;
Respond promptly to each concern raised about the behaviour of its clergy and church workers;
Offer pastoral support to any person who has suffered abuse; and,
Provide supervision of and pastoral accountability (within the context of the ministries, locations and activities of the parish) to any person (who is a member of a congregation and) who is known to have abused a child or another vulnerable person.
If you have any questions or concerns you can contact the Acting Rector Rev. Phil Lui on 02 9876 3362 or email phil@eppinganglicans.org.au
You can also contact the Diocesan Safe Ministry Team Contact – Safe Ministry
Domestic Violence
We acknowledge domestic abuse exists, is wrong and must stop. We are committed to safe places and promoting a culture of healthy relationships.
Our Clergy, Church Wardens and Parish Council have agreed that the parish will follow the Sydney Anglican Policy on Responding to Domestic Abuse.
Download the policy and find more resources: safeministry.org.au/domestic-family-abuse/