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Why give?

In our materialistic, consumer society giving money away is a counter-cultural activity, and yet the Bible encourages us to do just that. But Christian giving is not a reckless, abandonment of possessions but rather a discipline that supports God’s work in the world and the spiritual growth of the followers of Jesus.


See the slideshow below for 6 reasons to give:

Trees and Mountains

1. You will grow in your reverence of God.

Moses told the Israelites that they were to set aside their tithes “so that you may learn to revere the LORD your God always. Deuteronomy 14:22 


When we give sacrificially we will see that God does indeed provide all our needs. We will move from reliance on ourselves to reliance on God. Such trust honours our Lord and gives him glory.

How you can donate


Direct Transfer/Debit

This kind of giving – needs to be budgeted in advance and is an excellent way to be disciplined in your giving, is convenient and doesn’t depend on your memory.


St Alban’s Account: BSB No: 032 081,

Account No: 000024


Please indicate which service you attend. If you wish some of your giving to go to the Mission of the Month or any other specific cause, please indicate it on your direct transfer.



Envelopes are available in packets on a table at the rear of the church. This kind of giving is completely anonymous and helps maintain systematic giving. It also makes it easy to give to another Christian organisation you may nominate.​


Leave your donation in the church office in a marked envelope.


Collection Plate

This kind of giving depends on cash being available to use and you can only give when you’re present at a church service.

  • How do I set up direct transfer?
    You can instruct your financial institution to pay your contributions to the church bank account. If you have Internet Banking facilities you can also establish a regular payment to be made electronically. Most members make their payments monthly. This method ensures regularity and saves administration costs. If you are interested in making Electronic Funds Transfers, the following account numbers should be supplied to your bank: St Alban’s BSB: 032 081 Account: 000024 St Aidan’s BSB No: 032 081 Account: 810086
  • Does direct giving maintain confidentiality?
    Yes. No personal information is revealed.
  • Can I alter or cancel the arrangements?
    Yes. At any time you choose, you can easily change or completely cancel the arrangements.
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